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13 December 2012

Keanu Reeves Meme - Ills of Illegal Logging

Keanu Reeves Meme - Ills of Illegal Logging:
You cut the last.. TREE?

Copyright 13 Dec 2012 namae_dc.
To use image and give credit, please add this link:
- namae_dc


Actor: Keanu Reeves

19 November 2012

Edward Cullen - Sadako - Chuck Norris Meme

Sadako as Chuck Norris' sister -"Edward Cullen broke my heart..."

Edward Cullen - Sadako - Chuck Norris Meme
Copyright 19 Nov 2012 namae_dc.
To use image and give credit, please add this link:
- namae_dc


Movies: Twilight Saga | The Ring | Chuck Norris Movies

17 November 2012

funny smoking meme

- I made this myself
: D

Funny Smoking Meme
Copyright 17 Nov 2012 namae_dc.
To use image and give credit, please add this link:
- namae_dc


09 October 2012 – She’s What I’ve Been Looking for— and Much More

Here’s a review story of how I met… I’ve started working as a freelance online writer since 2005. Yes, it’s already been 7 years since I started writing for clients on the internet. I don’t have any degree in Journalism or English but here I am, writing my butt off for some money :-P I can’t say I’m particularly good at writing that’s why I considered doing it- I just had to do it! Money is such a great motivation *Sigh*, besides, my best subject in elementary and high-school was English and my dad would always always advise me to get a job (I think) I’m good at. So grab the writing job- even if I only have the most average skill in writing :-P

Along the way, I got to improve my skill- that’s the best part. He*k who wouldn’t learn within a span of 7-years writing? I also developed a deeper love and more personal connection with my now boyfriend of 7 years, Writing…

Wait. 7 years? Honestly, we should get married. In fact last year, Writing and I almost tied the knot. For about one-and-half years of working full-time for an Australian client, Writing and I had already been earning 16K php monthly. We started only with 10K as base salary, writing 4 x 400 articles per day (Mondays to Fridays) until I got the sweetest proposal ever, promotion, a girl’s best-friend. 16Karats per month, I was right then and there so ready to commit my entire life to doing nothing else but bask in the sun with my guy, Writing. But of course, the marriage didn’t happen. Writing and I were supposed to get married with a new contract last January but unfortunately, I got laid off, all of a sudden. Everybody got laid off. The Aussie boss just disappeared, *Poof!* (I hope he’s still alive though.)

But anyways, how could I marry without a job??? Writing and I struggled. We were back to zero. The only thing that kept us alive was our pair of breeder dogs >_<… I need to get a new grip.

I took every job online I could find, but scam here and there, scam everywhere. (Hint: the theme of this blog.) And not everyday there’s a project, not every day there’s cash :-(

… It’s quite ironic though because all these time when what I’ve been needing is money, I realized that what I’ve been wanting so bad was a company… some stability…

Writers’ Best-friend,

In our seemingly never-ending search for a place to live in, one day, Writing and I met someone... a girl of great class and stature. Her name is; But she likes to be called EPH. She also works in the world wide web. We quite have a lot of things in common, for instance she also loves to eat keywords and SEO and one of her favorite hobbies is proofreading. (We’re both grammarphobes!) She always gives me gigs and I always visit her forums... In just a span of a few months, we’ve instantly become best-friends :-) And with our great new team-up, we always get to have some cash and do a job we so love…

I can only guess what will happen next with our dear friendship. All I know is that I’m happy right now with my new-found friend (with the support of my fiancé of course, Writing)… Money is really not everything. I have found my home…

Of course in the near-future I will still surely plan a wedding. And I like to think it will be a grand one- because someone is here already eagerly helping… :-) Guess who I want to be my maid-of-honor… of course ;-)

DISCLOSURE: Compensated Reviewer

Get reviewed here with a link back to your site for $5.
Payments via PAYPAL

Contact: namae(dot)dc(at)gmail(dot)com

31 July 2012

Modern-Day Seattle Computer Training Courses

Modern-Day Seattle Computer Training Courses
(Content Current Sample Article - Unpaid)

Meta: Provided are some info on what to expect from a typical Seattle computer training course. Computer classes will help advance your skills so you could meet the challenges and demands of these day’s more technologically advanced generation.

Seattle, Washington DC – is a city that is once full of small start-up companies in various different fields like consumer advice, travel, entertainment, education, and tech innovations. These small start-ups though have soon made it big, like in the cases of Amazon, Starbucks, and of course Microsoft. As more and more small start-up companies take root in Seattle Washington and develop into big enterprises, more training centers also emerge to support the new generation of business companies. You would now find in the area all sorts of educational courses and trainings in various fields including Seattle computer training courses.

Seattle computer classes are particularly in demand these days as the world gets more and more technologically innovative. Even the way that these classes are delivered have become more high-tech with the help of the internet. Computer programs can now be taught online - hence trainings have become more accessible to anyone wanting to learn vital computer concepts for their business or company.

Of course, the more conventional methods of teaching computer courses are still available. Instructor-led trainings are still common where you, the student, goes to a training center to attend classes. (The most common venue in Seattle is the Seattle Training Center, located at 1700 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100, Seattle, WA 98101.) These standard classes with live-instructors are ideal for full-time independent students who have all the luxury of time, energy, and money to go to a training center for his classes.

However, if you’re part of a company seeking to provide trainings to a majority of employees, there is the option of On-site Seattle computer trainings where it is the training instructor or instructors who would come to the company to conduct to you the computer classes privately. This is only ideal though for groups of three to eighteen student employees.

There is a host of Seattle computer programs that you could learn through your trainings. These would range from Microsoft (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Project Training, Visio, Word, and Outlook), Adobe Courses (Acrobat, Photoshop, Flash, InDesign, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver), Web Development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), Oracle, Computer Programming, and even Computer Hardware Repairs. There are also Seattle computer training centers that offer advanced classes like Active Directory for MS Exchange Server and Business Analysis Training courses or (BI).

On the other hand, if you’re an independent student who wants the chance of learning at your own pace in the comfort and privacy of your own home, then there is also a solution – Online computer programs that you could take wherever you have access to a computer and internet. It is self-paced hence you can study any time you want. Online courses (instructional materials) that could even include videos will be sent to you either through courier or electronic mail, and tests would be conducted online.

With all of these options available, it is hard to miss the opportunity of taking fundamental Seattle computer training courses to enhance your skills and career as you live in the highly technological corporate world of this century.

09 March 2012

Anti DoS – DoS Filtering Methods

Anti DoS – DoS Filtering Methods

(Article submitted via Gmail, unpaid by james hooper)

Almost everyone one in the tech world is familiar with (D)DoS attacks and anti DoS. Basically it all comes down to preventing the mass of unwanted traffic coming in to your website as this uses up either all of your site’s available bandwidth, CPU memory or time, or a combination of both. The goals is to filter out this unwanted “bogus” traffic, which happens only because the source is as close as possible to the target site. (A site’s available bandwidth significantly drops as traffic is sent closer to it, the destination site). When the bogus traffic has already filled up the link to an ISP completely, then filtering it is no longer as effective. Thus, even before this happens, the ISP needs to configure an anti DoS filter to protect itself from potential attacks.

Ways how to filter DoS (or Denial of Service)
1.    Source address filtering
2.    Service filtering
3.    Destination address filtering

The most preferred way to get rid of unwanted traffic is through source address filtering. It basically traps traffic coming from the attacker’s source address. Yet unfortunately, some attackers are wise enough because they falsify or spoof their address thus, this approach cannot be used because the attack seems to come from several hosts throughout the web. And even when the real source addresses are known, configuring a filter for all of the source addresses isn't possible in a massively distributed attack (DoS attack coming from several sources).

The easiest DoS attacker to deal with is one who uses a single non-important service for all attacking procedures. In such a case, a service filter can easily intercept the attacking traffic by filtering on a UDP or TCP port or on an ICMP kind. Still, if the attack uses unpredictable ports or ports that are used for important services hence cannot be filtered, then it is not feasible to do a filter on service.

The last option is to filter out all traffic coming in to the specific host or hosts that are under attack. This anti DoS technique is typically done to at least protect the other hosts on the network that are not yet affected. This is usually effective because most DoS attacks are aimed only at a small number of hosts within a network. However, if the attack is directed at the entire network, then filtering on the destination address won’t be successful.

Installing Effective Anti DoS Filters
Most DoS attacks can be prevented by installing the right type of filter. Unfortunately, installing a DoS prevention filter has to be done at the transit ISP. This becomes very hard and inconvenient to do because it would require the services of an ISP engineer to install the filter. This usually entails a long process and takes a long time so incorporating other DIY mechanisms would prove to be much better. Luckily, there are several strategies that customers can learn and apply themselves in their ISP network. You can also hire the services of an anti DoS carrier that is able to detect suspicious traffic behaviors and then obstruct (or mitigate) them. Although there is a limitation as to the range of protection you can give to your network, there are sure ways to limit DoS/DDoS attacks from affecting your website or network.

12 February 2012

Custom Design for Your Website – The Key to Your Business’ Success

Custom Design for Your Website – The Key to Your Business’ Success
(oDesk unpaid copywriting article sample)
Unpaid by Andre Purba:

Remember that before you worry about what you can get out of others, think about what you can give to them first. You do have a lot to offer to others and that value you give out will surely come back to you double, or triple, or even 100 times or more. This also applies to your effort of giving people a great user experience while visiting your website, which would keep them coming back for more. This is the power of hard-work and first impression.

In the world of business, first impression is critical. The first impression you give to prospective clients or customers will determine whether they decide to do business with you or not. This is especially true when it comes to your business’ web design online.

The look and feel of your company’s website is usually the first (and lasting) impression you give to your customers, which would either attract them or repel them. This is the reason why you have to exert a great deal of effort in making your website look wholesome and appealing. This would be the first step to your success.

If you take time to create a presentable looking website, you will ensure success for your business. If your website is improperly designed, then you are only wasting your money instead of making money. An affordable and quality web design is what you need. It will help you launch your business and push it to the next level.

If you have done your best in getting the best design for your business, then it would automatically translate positively to the customers who will see your website. It would reflect your business and its credibility.

You only have one shot at establishing your credibility by making a great first impression through your site’s design, so spend a great a deal on it and start now. The good news is that there is a great way for your website to get the most effective web design that looks professional and is user-friendly and business oriented at the same time. Here at _______, you get quality custom web design for you website at affordable rates.

Our approach is also to give you a satisfying experience because we will not treat you as customers but as business partners. We aim to build a long lasting relationship with you, which is mutual and beneficial to both of us.

We take pleasure in being part of your business’ growth and success and would want to give you the most out of your money. After all, we’re also in business and that’s why we also strive to understand your business.

Getting a professional web design from us will give you the following results:
-    Increase in your site’s and business’ web exposure
-    Increase in your business’ productivity
-    Increased ROI
-    Improved customer satisfaction and
-    Reduction in your website’s operational and maintenance costs