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09 October 2012 – She’s What I’ve Been Looking for— and Much More

Here’s a review story of how I met… I’ve started working as a freelance online writer since 2005. Yes, it’s already been 7 years since I started writing for clients on the internet. I don’t have any degree in Journalism or English but here I am, writing my butt off for some money :-P I can’t say I’m particularly good at writing that’s why I considered doing it- I just had to do it! Money is such a great motivation *Sigh*, besides, my best subject in elementary and high-school was English and my dad would always always advise me to get a job (I think) I’m good at. So grab the writing job- even if I only have the most average skill in writing :-P

Along the way, I got to improve my skill- that’s the best part. He*k who wouldn’t learn within a span of 7-years writing? I also developed a deeper love and more personal connection with my now boyfriend of 7 years, Writing…

Wait. 7 years? Honestly, we should get married. In fact last year, Writing and I almost tied the knot. For about one-and-half years of working full-time for an Australian client, Writing and I had already been earning 16K php monthly. We started only with 10K as base salary, writing 4 x 400 articles per day (Mondays to Fridays) until I got the sweetest proposal ever, promotion, a girl’s best-friend. 16Karats per month, I was right then and there so ready to commit my entire life to doing nothing else but bask in the sun with my guy, Writing. But of course, the marriage didn’t happen. Writing and I were supposed to get married with a new contract last January but unfortunately, I got laid off, all of a sudden. Everybody got laid off. The Aussie boss just disappeared, *Poof!* (I hope he’s still alive though.)

But anyways, how could I marry without a job??? Writing and I struggled. We were back to zero. The only thing that kept us alive was our pair of breeder dogs >_<… I need to get a new grip.

I took every job online I could find, but scam here and there, scam everywhere. (Hint: the theme of this blog.) And not everyday there’s a project, not every day there’s cash :-(

… It’s quite ironic though because all these time when what I’ve been needing is money, I realized that what I’ve been wanting so bad was a company… some stability…

Writers’ Best-friend,

In our seemingly never-ending search for a place to live in, one day, Writing and I met someone... a girl of great class and stature. Her name is; But she likes to be called EPH. She also works in the world wide web. We quite have a lot of things in common, for instance she also loves to eat keywords and SEO and one of her favorite hobbies is proofreading. (We’re both grammarphobes!) She always gives me gigs and I always visit her forums... In just a span of a few months, we’ve instantly become best-friends :-) And with our great new team-up, we always get to have some cash and do a job we so love…

I can only guess what will happen next with our dear friendship. All I know is that I’m happy right now with my new-found friend (with the support of my fiancé of course, Writing)… Money is really not everything. I have found my home…

Of course in the near-future I will still surely plan a wedding. And I like to think it will be a grand one- because someone is here already eagerly helping… :-) Guess who I want to be my maid-of-honor… of course ;-)

DISCLOSURE: Compensated Reviewer

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